Thursday, 3 August 2017

Pine Pixies Pre-School fun

Our end of term parties were enjoyed greatly, with the Teddy Bears' Picnic for the younger children and the Leavers' Party for the older children moving on to school.

Many varied 'teddies' turned up for the party.

Some of the children helped to harvest their potato crop before term ended.

We would like to give a very big thank you for all the kind presents and cards from parents.

Pine Pixies Pre-School is now taking admissions for the September term. We will be offering the 30 hours to eligible parents. We are registered for 32 children per session and accept children once they turn two years old.

Our opening times from September will be Monday to Friday term time only (38 weeks per year)
Full day (6 hours) 9am-3pm
Half day (3 hours) 9am-12 noon or 12 noon-3pm
9am -1pm (4 hours)

Funding available:
Two Year Old Offer

Early Years Entitlement which offers all 3 and 4 year old children up to 15 hours per week of funded early education for 38 weeks of the year.

An  additional 15 hours of funded childcare for families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone-parent family), and each parent earns the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national minimum or living wage, and earns less than £100,000 a year.

Why our ratios are better for your child

Our ratios are higher than a lot of other settings. Usually, we work  above the stated 1 staff member to 8 children for over threes, whereas a lot of other settings work to 1 staff member to 13 children. We think this makes a very big difference to your child.

Book your September place today and open up a world of fun to your child. We are not attached to a school and are very child led. 

01704 571920 or email 

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