Southport's Conservative MP Damien Moore is seen above pretending to support small businesses, when in fact he is only supporting the ones which make him and his fellow Conservatives look and sound good.
The Conservatives have put a post onto their facebook boasting about how they have doubled FREE childcare up to 30 hours per week. This is a misleading farce that they are trying to get the families they serve to believe.
Yes childcare is doubled, no it is not free as they have only shifted the cost from the government's pocket to providers' pockets.
Comments from some providers regarding the Conservative post are:
"Nursery extinction, not nursery inclusion"
"The comments on there are ridiculous and uneducated".
"They are making preschools go bankrupt in the process"
Many of these settings have had to close their doors for good after 30 years of providing outstanding childcare and support for families. The Conservatives are turning a blind eye to the truth.
The childcare sector is in danger of being lost in a sea of under funding. An underfunding that has gone on for years but the Conservative's 30 hours has finally put the nail in the coffin.
The idea of the 30 hours is great for families, but it has to be funded right, it has to be with workable policies for all concerned. By those concerned I include, childminders, nurseries, pre-schools all those who work in and provide early years' childcare. They are the ones who know the problems that the Conservative government's bad promises have made.
Instead they have their MPs sitting smiling on couches, talking about how important small businesses are or standing by a roadside discussing the colour of the tarmac. All a cover to make voters think all is wonderful with the world.
Damien Moore posts on his page-
"UK Parliament Week is a wonderful opportunity to engage people from across the UK with Parliament and to explore what issues matter most to them.
It’s also a powerful tool which empowers people to get involved in politics and local campaigning."
When people have tried to engage with this particular MP they have reported that they have then been blocked from posting on his facebook pages.
The fault and the current childcare crisis lies solely with the Conservative government. The ways to immediately fix it have been shown to them over and over again by these groups and others; Champagne Nurseries on Lemonade Funding, National Day Nurseries Association and the Preschool Learning Alliance.
There is a huge campaign throughout the country to get the government to listen and put it right.
All they do is turn a blind eye and post incorrect information to the populace to misdirect their thinking.
Join with the groups mentioned here and help to show a strength of feeling. The Conservative government are letting down the future generation of children.The group mentioned above Champagne Nurseries on Lemonade Funding (CNLF) ask this;

Below is an open letter to the Chancellor, ahead of next weeks budget, imploring him to increase funding for early years as part of a wider reform of the legislation around ‘free’ childcare.
CNLF does not believe that simply increasing funding is the answer, it is impossible to know what the ‘right’ rate is as our costs vary so much, but increasing funding will give the sector some much needed stability as we continue to call for the regulations/legislation to be changed.
Can we please ask you to sign and share this letter, we need providers and parents to support this, we MUST get our voices heard #unitedwestand

Open letter to Philip Hammond, the Chancellor childcare provider Catherine Regan who has run a childcare business for almost seventeen years, fully supports the campaign for better funding. She has in an earlier article, put out a request for Conservative MP Damien Moore, Labour MP Bill Esterson and local councillors to visit her setting, to find out the concerns facing the sector first hand. So far there have been no takers, what a quiet political world we live in when it is an issue they do not want to put their name to.
Don't just read what is in this article, read the truth from the links below, about what is behind the Conservative whitewash. Don't believe your smiling MPs and Councillors, start asking questions.
Nurseries in crisis article by the Daily Mail
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