Thursday, 1 June 2017

Pre-school childcare community links

This term has seen some lovely community links for Pine Pixies Pre-School children and families.

Chris who runs "Chris Toal Estate Maintenance" very kindly has donated the time, work and equipment needed, to ensure our children have a lovely new growing area in which to grow their vegetables and flowers. We would like to say a very big thank you to Chris and his team. The children have made their own drawings to go on the planter with their ideas of what they would like to grow in it. As you can see their plants are already starting to grow.

Zoe who is the Community Champion at Dobbies in Southport has donated lots of lovely items such as two large bags of compost, children's tools, seeds, pots and trays so that the children can really get stuck into their gardening. We would like to say a very big thank you to Dobbies and Zoe. Zoe has lots of great ideas for furthering our gardening and has offered more help when we need her advice.

As you can see below, lots of super items to aid our gardening project.

One of our managers, Martine has attended the Sefton course 'Sowing and Growing'. Here she learnt how to prepare a digging area properly, taught which plants are good and easy to grow with children. She recycled newspapers into pots and milk cartons into fun mini greenhouses. It was then 'hands on' planting - sunflowers and micro vegetables. This is linking up to the Royal Horticultural Society School Gardening Awards scheme.

Another local business 'Falconer Tree Specialists Ltd' has kindly provided us with much needed wood chip to spread across our garden area and the children have really enjoyed using it in their play and mud kitchen.

Our staff member and SENCO-Link Laura, has been attending Parent Champion sessions linking up with Freshfield Children's Centre. We recently invited some parents of our younger children to attend a session at the Children's Centre, where we made calming bottles and spent some time in the sensory room. The Parent Champion course is aimed at building stronger parent partnerships within the Early Years sector. The course covers a number of key areas including, SHINE therapy, weaning fussy eaters, toilet training, dental health, behaviour and sleep routines and mental health and well-being. The course primarily looks to demonstrate how strengthening parental relationship can support home learning and families well being, coupled with the professional continuous development of nursery practitioners.

Cath Regan ©

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