Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Pine Pixies Pre-School gardening fun

The children at Pine Pixies Pre-School in Formby have been working hard on their gardening skills.

Sunflowers, potatoes, radishes, runner beans, herbs are just a few of the plants growing well in their garden.

The children planted their runner beans and took them home. When the beans were big enough, they brought them back and are now growing them all together up canes.

We have a staff member who has recently attended a  'sowing and growing course' and we joined the Royal Horticultural Society School Gardening Awards, where we are currently at level 2 with the children. Another staff member takes on the actual planting and tending of the garden with the children. The children love watching their plants grow and are currently working on strawberry plants.

They also love using the herbs in their mud kitchen potions and cakes.

A recent visitor to our garden was a Greenfinch to watch all the fun.

Our level one award in the RHS gardening was a lovely calendar and certificate.

Pine Pixies Pre-School is now taking bookings for September placements. We are also offering the full 30 hours childcare funding.  Phone 01704 571920 or email pinepixiespreschool@aol.co.uk to come and view our nursery or put your child's name on our list.

The 30 hours funding is made up of an original 15 hours offered to all children the term after their third birthday. The second 15 hours will be dependent on a family’s eligibility.

If you think you are eligible for the 30 hours funding, please apply as soon as possible using the HMRC website. We recently posted the link on our facebook and website pages, it allows you to enter as a parent and asks questions relating to you / family & income. If found eligible you will receive a confirmation email, which we will need to see and photocopy for our records along with parent's National Insurance number. We will also need to see photo ID information from parents.

With regards to the original 15 hours of funding, it is every child’s right to have 15 hours funding and there is no need to apply; we usually give you a form to complete and hand back to us. If choosing 30 hours it can be shared between two providers’ e.g. nursery / childminder if you so wish or use all at our setting.

We also accept children on the Two Year Old Offer. 

We’re not just a pre-school; we are an extension of your family.



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